Essential Things For You To Remember After Having Your Tummy Tuck Fort Lauderdale Provides

by - 11:50 AM

By Frank Roberts

Tummy tucks are usually regarded as outpatient procedures which means that individuals who just underwent them may step foot outside the medical facility after a few hours. However, intensive treatments may call for a hospital stay. No matter the case, there are some very important matters that you need to keep in mind after getting your tummy tuck Fort Lauderdale is providing.

Essential Things For You To Remember After Having Your Tummy Tuck Fort Lauderdale Provides

During the next few days after getting the treatment, it's a must for the individual to take it easy. In other words, he or she should considerably limit physical activities. Engaging in strenuous or vigorous exercises is definitely contraindicated. It is a good idea for the person to take not less than a week off from work. Getting plenty of rest enables the body to bounce back from the procedure at a much faster rate.

During the next few weeks after undergoing the knife, pain can be expected. It's important for the person to stay away from taking aspirin or any other painkiller that's known to cause the blood to thin. Otherwise, unnecessary bleeding and also bruising may be encountered. It's very much possible for a cosmetic surgeon to prescribe his or her patient the appropriate painkilling medication that can be taken without causing risks.

Unless the surgeon says it's okay to stop wearing it, a compression garment must be used at all times. This can help keep swelling to a minimum, thus encouraging faster recovery from the treatment. Additionally, putting on a compression garment around the midsection helps fend off sagging of the skin so that the desired outcome may be attained.

On an everyday basis, make sure that plenty of water is consumed. The intake of about a couple of liters of water per day can in fact help you bounce back from the surgery at a speedier rate. Keeping your body hydrated also helps eliminate waste products as well as poisonous substances from your body, thus preventing complications from striking while you are recovering from the procedure.

On the other hand, it's very important to keep the incision from coming into contact with water for a few weeks. Otherwise, its healing may take longer than necessary. What's more, an infection may come into being. That is why the individual should avoid taking a shower or bath until such time that his or her cosmetic surgeon gives the go signal. Taking a sponge bath is possible although care must be taken at all times to keep the incision from getting wet.

If you're a smoker, make sure that you ditch the habit for a while after undergoing the knife. It's a good idea to steer clear of smoking for a month or so in order for you to recover accordingly. Because cigarette smoke contains tons of harmful chemicals, smoking can impede proper blood circulation and also incision healing.

Encountering pain, swelling and even bruising is perfectly normal after undergoing a tummy tuck. The person may have to wait for several weeks or a few months in order for the said symptoms to disappear. Contacting the cosmetic surgeon right away is a must if it seems the like symptoms are worsening or signs of an infection of the incision can be noticed.

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