How To Live A Whole Healthy Happy Life

by - 3:21 PM

By Joyce Edwards

Aristotle said that the ultimate pursuit for every human being is happiness. However, it still remains one of the most elusive experiences. Further, happiness for one person might not be similar to what another person perceives it to be. How can you live a whole healthy happy life regardless of your social, political, spiritual or financial position?

Cultivate inner peace. If the heart is not at peace, there will be no way of radiating the same to others. This requires the resolution of pains and anxieties that you have been living with. Be at peace with institutions, own body, family, friends and all aspects of your life. This offloads a huge burden off your heart and ushers you into a transformational life.

Make attempt to be social. Share in the happiness of other people. Let them join you when you are celebrating. This takes your mind off stressful thoughts. It also helps you to build beautiful memories with people around you. Share your concerns and anxieties with family members, friends and persons within your circles. A social person lightens his or her burden of life by sharing it with other people.

Begin to do things differently. This calls for a routine change. Do not just wake up and go to work or meet the same people. You end up fatigued and bored. Pursue new engagements, people and places that stretch your imagination. This opens a new dimension in life that you might have no idea about. It also provides new experiences that are more exciting.

Reignite your spiritual phase. Though everyone is not spiritual, there is an element of believe that is associated with happiness. Join in activities by religious groups. Offer your time and skills for religious activities. This gives you a higher quest than you are currently dealing with. You begin to see happiness as more than yourself and the experiences you are currently having.

Be active. There is a lot you can do regardless of your situation to be active. The simplest could be exercising on regular basis. Take walks alone or with friends and family members. Spend some time at the park or watching landscapes and horizons. Engage the mind, body and all senses as much as possible.

Declutter your life. This ranges from physical, mental and social being. Clean your house and organize it. Think clean and good thoughts that will help you become a better person or improve your status. Drop friends and relations that are not adding any value in your existence. You will realize that you have more time and resources for more meaningful engagements. Avoid emotional baggage and happiness will be your portion.

Take care of your body and be ready to pamper it. An aching body or a person who is hungry will never be happy. Choose your foods wisely, take time off to relax and go on vacation as well as avoid taking too many responsibilities that you have no time to care for yourself. Happiness is a combination of factors and has to be pursued relentlessly.

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