Use Natural Hair Products For Less Breakage

by - 2:14 AM

By Maria Wright

These days, the natural look is taking over many cultures and is probably more popular than it was decades ago when it was cool to sport a huge afro style. Now, things are a little more diversified when it comes to choosing the right hairstyle. When a person is exploring a new look, they may want to see what the best natural hair products have to offer.

There are many products on the market right now and it can be hard to tell which are the right quality. Often, people are led to believe that a high price tag guarantees softness and bounce. That is not always the case but often pure ingredients will cost more than blends and extracts. If one were to take notice of television commercials, many companies will boast about their use of rich nut butters and plants but the reality is that the majority use an extract.

Often these extracts are at the end in the label ingredients list and before that are a bunch of chemicals or fillers that add no real value to the consumer. Many are fooled by their images of models with shiny curls and coils but if one were knowledgeable about textures, they know that not all respond in the same fashion.

While big manufacturers should be studied, the same applies to some lesser known brands that use images of the founder or cute names as a selling tool. This is not to imply deception but once again, not all use pure ingredients or know the consumer as well as they want the public to believe. The natural hair movement is about restoring healthy by bringing elasticity and hydration to each strand.

The great thing about natural texture products of today is that they are not limited to the afro. Many are great for naturally curly or twist out styles. Some like to apply a daily moisturizer that brings out their natural wave pattern and not worry about upkeep for the rest of the day.

Most manufacturers of these products promote a message that indicates whole ingredients are best for hair. These include nut butters and oils, as well as plant antioxidants. The consumer should look out for labels that only use extracts or have more chemicals, especially if they have dry or damaged tresses. If something is priced significantly lower than most, it helps to read the label carefully first. Also, if something is much higher, the same theory applies but if moisture is the key, then it may be worth the investment.

Once a person finds something from a brand they trust, they should invest in a couple of small items that will produce the best results. A dryer that will fit a hood or bonnet attachment and scarf intended for sleeping. If a person is dealing with textural damage or dryness, using a leave in conditioner is not enough, especially in extreme weather conditions.

For the person who is experimenting with a natural style, they should look explore what works best for their texture. Some like the kinky curly look or feel that twists are more compatible with their busy lifestyle. Whatever the choice, they should remember that a healthy mane is the first priority.

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