Experienced OBGYN Los Angeles Offers A Guide For Preparing Your Teen For The First Visit

by - 10:01 AM

By Roger Morris

Females should start visiting their gynecologist between the age of 13 and 15. Unfortunately, most teens will not warmly embrace the idea of talking to a stranger about matters they consider private. The thought of getting examined on all areas they consider private will also be intimidating. As a parent, you have a duty to ensure that your child understands the importance of checkups and what to expect during sessions. If you need to find a top rated OBGYN Los Angeles is an excellent place to base initial research.

A sure way to put the mind of your loved one at ease is to help you gain an in-depth understanding of her reproductive health. After this, ensure that she is part of the decision making. For instance, you could let her choose whether to have a female or male physician. It is important to accommodate the personal choice that is made, even if you have a doctor of the opposite gender that you would best prefer.

You should also talk about the various questions that are likely to be asked during consultation. For example, the gynecologist will want to know the age of your daughter and when she first and last had her periods. Then again, it will be necessary for the physician to know whether or not she is sexually active.

It will be important to encourage your daughter to give information truthfully and honestly. There are crucial decisions that the doctor will need to make, based on the information that is offered. Before you leave home for the clinic, make it clear that your girl can decide whether you should remain in the room as she answers questions or you should wait outside.

You also want to provide as much information as possible about the physical exams. Again, understanding what this entails will help significantly in keeping the teens mind at ease. Do not talk solely about measuring blood pressure and weighing. It is essential to also talk about cervical swabs, breast exams and pelvic examinations. Your child has a right to know what will be expected of her during the sessions.

Being as detailed as possible is important. This will also assist in creating trust between you, and your kid will understand that you respect her as an adult. Be sure to make it clear that these procedures could be uncomfortable, although they are painless and the doctor will be expected to respect her boundaries.

For the experience to be less uncomfortable, you must stress on the perks of visiting a gynecologist. For instance, this will make it possible to assess preventative care and even get possible issues of concern addressed in a timely manner. You also want to create an atmosphere where your girl will not shy away from asking questions in case there are things she does not understand.

Even for adults that have scheduled for numerous tests in the past, visiting an OBGYN is still uncomfortable. You owe your loved one the favor of providing reassurance. She needs to know that you will always be there for her as she goes for her yearly appointments.

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